District 12 Inner Wheel

Inner Wheel 

a globe lifted by hands

What is Inner Wheel?

Inner Wheel is International. 

It is in 104 countries.

There are 108614 members throughout the world.

There are 3979 clubs throughout the world.

  Association of Inner Wheel Clubs in GB & I has 29 Districts

Inner Wheel is International Women in Action,

Working Together to Make a Difference and Improving Lives

Objects of Inner Wheel

To promote true friendship.

To encourage the ideals of personal service.

To promote International understanding.

What do we do?

We work together giving humanitarian aid nationally and internationally.

We have a positive impact on the lives of millions of people.

  Hands together in friendship

 We help people by extending

    the hand of friendship

 friendship of two ladies

  We make firm

and lasting friendships


We work on

life-changing projects

Great Britain with IW logo