District 12 Inner Wheel

Dover Inner Wheel Club

About our Club

We meet on the 4th Monday of the month (except August & December) at 6.30pm at the Holiday Inn, Whitfield. For further information please use 'Contact Us' page. 

Club Officers for 2024 to 2024

Name Office Chosen Charity
Rita Hunnisett President
Alison Murphy Vice President

Yvonne Miller Secretary
Vanessa Futcher Treasurer
Linda Hannent International Service Organiser

Elizabeth Weaver

Club Correspondent

Mary Sherred Membership & Development

Apart from our meetings each month, we have a coffee morning at one of our members' houses once a month, this is a very social morning with members catching up with news and events. We visit other club's events in our District, these are generally lunches or teas, with an interesting speaker.

We are always pleased to see new faces and welcome any ladies wishing to find out more about Inner Wheel. We have 36 members of varying ages, and friendship is one of our main objects.

We welcome new members, please use the Contact Us page above.