Previous District 12 International Rallies
The 2019 International Rally was held as usual at Ditton.
The charity this year was 'Footsteps International' and the colour theme was Bright Light Blue.
District International Service Chairman, Pat Sanford gives her report below.
'What a fantastic day it was! The hall was prepared by the time I got there at 8.30 am and soon it was buzzing with ladies setting out their stalls! The Hall was so colourful and the variety of stalls was wonderful and very inventive. Thanks to Jackie and Fran, the flower table decorations added to the colour and the ambience of the day. The schedule was a little different this year and we were treated to the thought-provoking presentation from Mary and Martin Print first. Wow! Did they grab our attention! They both spoke with such passion and enthusiasm about their work in Kenya.
Thank you to Marion Keeble for giving us her personal reflections on her visit to Kenya with 'Footsteps International'.
DC Liz then formally opened the Rally, and everyone joined in with gusto! I could see bottles, sweets and other items being won by so many members. There were also many bargains to be had on several stalls!
I am so pleased to tell you that there was a total profit of £3180.16 on the day!
What a wonderful amount, the balance of which 'Footsteps International' have been sent, £500 having already been presented on the day. This enables the charity to use the monies with immediate effect.'
Martin and Mary have sent this message
"Once again, please pass on our thanks to everyone who worked so hard to make the Rally a success and to make us feel so welcome. Today we received news of Edward Makari, a street boy who we took into our Sunshine Centre way back in 2004. He graduated from Masai Mara University in December with a 2:1 degree and has now started working at Eldoret International Airport hopefully the start of a high flying career!"
"Thank you all for making the Rally such a success!" Pat